Funambol BlackBerry Plug-in Community Edition v. 3.0.8 ====================================================== RELEASE NOTES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. GENERAL NOTES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Funambol BlackBerry Plug-in Community Edition v. 3.0.8 is released thanks to the active support of the Community. Test and development were performed mainly on the BlackBerry 8100 "Pearl", running the v. 4.2.0 operating system. It is distributed in three flavours: - as an out-of-the-box executable signed by Funambol, ready to be installed Over The Air (OTA) on a device, via the BlackBerry device browser. Point your phone browser to - as an out-of-the-box executable signed by Funambol, ready to be installed on a device via USB cable. Download the bundle and install the application, pointing the BlackBerry Desktop Manager running on your PC to the application loader file (.alx) - as source code, downloadable as a tarball from the CVS hosted on ObjectWeb, for developers: Starting from the source code, the application can be built by developers invoking the 'build.cmd' batch script on Windows. In order to compile the code and run the application on the BlackBerry Simulator, please download the BlackBerry Java Development Environment (JDE) v. 4.2.0 (available only for the Windows operating system) from the web site of Research In Motion (RIM): The JDE also contains the Signature Tool necessary to sign the application with a developer key (issued by RIM), before it can be run on a real device. The binaries distributed as described here above are already signed by Funambol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. FIXED BUGS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - #308014 "Cancel" option by accidentally leaving the Configuration screen doesn't work - #307807 Calendar Sync Error com.funambol.syncclient.spds.SyncException - #305751 Missing xml-namespace in tag - #306705 event without CLASS causes client to throw Exception Refer to (category: "client blackberry") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. KNOWN ISSUES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updated User Guide missing - The current version works on 4.2 OS devices, with the following limitations: Calendar: --------- - When an All Day Event is added or modified on the server and synchronized to the device, there are the following known problems: - The month view shows one day less than the real appointment. If the all day was one day only, it does not appear in the month view. - The appointment details show a wrong end date (one day less), while the appointment duration is correct. Email: ------ - The Received date shown in the message list is always the time when the message is actually received on the device. Doing a sync of messages already present on the user inbox, they will result in having the same date. - The current version of the plug-in has a limitation on the size of the received message. All messages are received, but filtered to get the first 13 KB for each. - The current version of the plug-in does not handle mail attachments, so they are not transferred to the device. - International characters in messages are not handled by the current version of the plug-in, so if the messages contains special characters they are not shown properly on the device. General: -------- - The Plug-in v. 3.0.8 does not start on devices with an OS older than 4.0.1 (e.g. BlackBerry 7230) because the initial verification fails due to the use of APIs not supported by that OS version. - Network problems with different combinations of devices/carriers were experienced. This issue is currently under investigation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. USERS AND DEVELOPERS FEEDBACK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As usual through the Sync4j/Funambol mailing lists: - Funambol Developers: - Funambol Users: - Sync4j: Please file issues that you may experience into the ObjectWeb Tracker (category: "client blackberry"):